• By plane:

Lecco is well connected with the three main airports through bus and train.

From the Linate and Malpensa airports: daily bus service from the airport to the Central Station of Milan, with a bus every 30 minutes (from Linate) and every 20 minutes (from Malpensa). From Malpensa there is also a railway connection that leads directly to Central Station of Milan.

From Bergamo-Orio al Serio Airport: bus #1 to the railway station of Bergamo. From the railway station to Lecco there are trains running every hour (travel time: 40 minutes).

Useful links:

  • By train:

Lecco is well connected with the three main airports through bus and train.

  • From Milan: Central station and Porta Garibaldi train line Milan – Sondrio – Tirano. Travel time: 40 minutes for the express train and 1 hour for the local one.
  • From Bergamo: train line Brescia – Bergamo – Lecco. Travel time: 40 minutes fo the express train.
  • From Como: train line Como – Molteno – Lecco. Travel time: 1 hour and 10 minutes with train change in Molteno.
  • From Sondrio: train line Tirano – Sondrio – Lecco – Milano. Stops in Colico, Bellano, Varenna for the express train, further stops for the local one. Travel time: 1 hour and 20 minutes for the express train.

From Lecco railway station make around 12-15 minutes walk to reach Politecnico di Milano – Polo di Lecco Campus.

  • By car:

Lecco is well connected with the three main airports through bus and train.

  • From Milan (50 km) SS36 del Lago di Como e dello Spluga, a fast road (superstrada) connects Milan with Lecco within 1 hour.
  • From Como (30 km) you follow the state roads 342, 639 and 36 and reach Lecco in 45 minutes.
  • From Bergamo (35 km) the state roads 342 and 639 lead to Lecco in 50 minutes.
  • From Sondrio (80 km) follow the state road SS 38 as far as the junction Fuentes and from there the state road SS 36 to Lecco.


Polo Lecco


Comune di Lecco

